Keihanshin by Air

Arigatōgozaimashita Chopper-San!
[Amazing Story #6]
Extrait de mon journal de voyage
Travel log extract

Nous avons été mieux que bien reçu par notre ami Takumi. Ce dernier, après nous avoir fait découvrir "sa ville" (Osaka), nous a présenté son associé Sumi San. Tous les deux sont les fondateurs de la compagnie Aero Sensing, spécialisée dans le scan et la prise de vue aérienne en hélicoptère. Ils ont pris une journée rien que pour nous piloter via les airs d'Osaka jusqu'à Kobe et nous faire visiter cet ancien village de pêcheurs devenu empire du commerce. Durant le vol nous avons pus admirer l'étendue proprement titanesque que représente l'ensemble Osaka-Kobe-Kyoto. Un empire du béton levant où l'emprunte humaine s'étend jusque dans l'océan pacifique.

Seconde aire urbaine la plus peuplée du Japon, juste après le Grand Tokyo, Keihanshin abrite près de 19 millions d'habitants, s'étant sur  11.170 Km2 et  représente à elle seule 15% de la population totale du pays.  Véritable jungle urbaine, forêt de gratte-ciels parcourue d'autoroutes sans fin aux collecteurs monstrueux et péages automatiques, l'ensemble Osaka-Kobe-Kyoto est en quelques sortes le temple du savoir-faire-reculer-la-nature. Seules les montagnes environnantes (difficiles à apercevoir) vous rappellent la toute puissance de la Terre. Selon Mastercard et son enquète  "Worldwide Centers of Commerce 2008", le bassin Osaka-Kobe est classé 19ème ville la plus active économiquement au monde…

We must admit that our hosts have treated us like Prince and Princess. First, Takumi took us through Osaka day and night, "his city" like he says. Then he introduced us to Sumi San. Together they have founded Aero Sensing, a helicopter 3D ground scanning company. Both of them are helicopter pilots and they took one day off especially to fly us from Osaka to Kobe and have us discover this ancient fishers village that has become a business empire. Flying over the sector we were stunned by the gigantism of the urban area, we have also noticed that the human footprint goes even farther than the land, right into the Pacific Ocean. The mountains block Kobe’s extension capacities, so people are building islands… And their design, obviously square, leaves no doubt upon their artificial status. Some sort of Empire of the Rising Blocks.

Keihanshin is the second most populated area of Japan (after the Great Tokyo) and houses about 19 million inhabitants on 11.170 Km2. This represents about 15% of the total population of Japan.  In the middle of this huge concrete jungle, skyscrapers forest crossed by never ending highways with monstrous collectors and automatic tolls, one can actually level how much the human beings have raised their knowledge to push the nature away. Only the few surrounding mountains (very difficult to see from downtown) remind us about mother Earth. Not so surprising indeed, once we get to know that this little area of the planet counts among the richest. The Osaka-Kobe area is the 19th most economically active place in the world (source: Mastercard's survey "Worldwide Centers of Commerce 2008")…

Takumi and the chopper


Osaka Urban Area

Artificial Islands

Artificial Islands II

Kobe Airport (sky view)

Earth, Wind and Water


Kobe Airport II (ground view)


Takumi and the chopper II

Kobe Airport III (runway view)


Night Flight

Base Ball Ground

Night City Scape

After Flight Delicacy

Thank you Takumi!